It's not about how many calls - its how efficient you are while making them. If you're banging a dialer all day with "****" data of course you can make 400 calls but you're going to speak to answering machines and gate keepers and people telling you they don't own businesses.

Your conversation ratio while cold calling all depends on the quality of the data you are calling. Its worth spending more time and money to find better data for you and your team so you can connect with the decision maker all day. To find that kind of data comes with trial and error(wasting your money) and developing your marketing relationships. I don't believe anyone in their right mind is going to give up their sources for data to the competition without a hefty price so its best to figure it out on your own.

Once you figure out the data piece, then you can try and make 400 calls a day but hopefully you'll be speaking to decision makers most of the day so you don't have enough time to make the 400 calls.

Hope this helps