Quote Originally Posted by ridextreme View Post
There always is, we usually only hear one side.

The main point that doesn't make sense is, a contract was ordered. Then on 4 different occasions, someone physically walked into his bank and withdrew a total of 12K... so why is the "lender" (I assume they're a funder?) assuring the merchant that "Legal" is working on it after cutting the broker off? Are they admitting liability here?

Something seems way off. I've never heard of this happening in 12 years of doing this.
You're hearing 1 side to this story because I cannot speak for the actions of those who might be involved. I can only speak from my experience and from what I'm told regarding the situation. I can only speculate what it is other have experienced. If you haven't seen anything like this in 12 years then this is an odd occurrence. I haven't been around as long as you in this industry so was curious how often something like this comes up and wanted to open the floor to see what others have to say about similar if not identical experiences.