Quote Originally Posted by ridextreme View Post
There always is, we usually only hear one side.

The main point that doesn't make sense is, a contract was ordered. Then on 4 different occasions, someone physically walked into his bank and withdrew a total of 12K... so why is the "lender" (I assume they're a funder?) assuring the merchant that "Legal" is working on it after cutting the broker off? Are they admitting liability here?

Something seems way off. I've never heard of this happening in 12 years of doing this.
Agreed that it is weird that the funder is mentioning something about legal unless:
1. They are just saying that to make the merchant feel good that someone is working on the case for him
2. The funder is telling that to the merchant since there is now a possible issue of ID fraud. (Either to cover themselves, which may be fair or since they are actually guilty - im not one to speculate since I really dont know the whole story at all.)

Another issue which goes along the lines of abfunders detective skills, like an ID, a Credit card also takes some time to make and ship. (unless this con man is that bold)