Quote Originally Posted by Chambo View Post
Dude, stop wasting your time. These kids want to will this thing away & refuse to listen to boots on the ground professionals. My wife too works in a hospital (thank God on the administrative side), and she tells me of how disastrous it was and how dangerous it still is. The European countries have fared better because (as you mentioned) they are not as densely populated as some of our metropolitan areas. They do not deal with two dozen 30-40 story buildings full of people next to each other, nor o they deal with mass transit like we do. Another factor, is they are generally healthier than we are as Americans. Diabetes, obesity, and other chronic issues are breeding grounds for this virus....and the US has plenty of housing for them. Take also into consideration that most of these European & Asian countries listed have had prior experience with invasions and military conflicts right in their back yard. They know what it is like to be under attack, or to have to run for cover.....so when the gov't told them to go inside, or to wear such and such, they didn't argue, they DID IT. They weren't arming up and storming their capitals, or going on Twitter and whining about how their rights are being infringed upon.

These kids are stubborn and going to have to learn the hard way unfortunately. All we can try to do is minimize the damage to those who are willing to listen and cooperate.
Chambo knows....... Thank Mrs. Chambo for her work!