If you wanted to see some interesting facts about COVID's spread based on political affiliation, someone actually went through the trouble to compile an article and the numbers to estimate GOP vs DNC in the wake of COVID:


On the rest of it,I have one thing to say about this pandemic: DIAMOND PRINCESS.
There was a 20% infection rate on a ship with a population density higher than anywhere on earth, and an average age higher than anywhere on earth, and close to everyone was tested.

It appears, for whatever reason, that there's a real burnout of the virus at 20% of the population being infected. The deaths in Europe is likely due to the average age of the 20% of the population who is getting infected, and the USA deaths are likely due to poor health / obesity.


We're looking at about 220,000 "excess" deaths in the USA from previous years when this burns out. It's just taking a long time to get around the USA because of the size of the country, both natural lack of movement (how often to people travel cross-country?), fear of going outside, lockdowns (which hurt more than solve), it being summer. and don't forget.... those who wear masks are also help slow the spread. However, it's now a question about the vulnerable populations.

At a 20% infection rate of COVID, with the other 40-50% of the people with antibodies, or genetically immune, or who have T-cell memories from another coronavirus they had, that's herd immunity. That will come far before a vaccine.

Burn-out will happen pretty soon in the USA. It happened everywhere else, and despite it being the summer, it's still going around, so why would winter be worse?

I'm optimistic.