Quote Originally Posted by Nunya View Post
Thank goodness for Kevin. It seems nearly the rest of you are helpless.

This will continue until there's a vaccine; until then it will continue thanks to those in denial about what it is and the seriousness.

The idea that COVID is over as the post title suggests (btw, it's not over) is a function of continued social distancing. If we were to put things back to the way they were before COVID, we'd be a lot worse off. Society benefits by taking it seriously - it's not about control - who is winning by "controlling" you to wear a mask? Are you "owning the libs" by your refusal? I will never understand the politicization of a virus.
ugh, ok if you insist... Is there a vaccine for Avian flu? Hong Kong Flu? Sars? All those pandemics are Corona viruses - there hasn't been a vaccine for any of them, ever. Not because they didn't try but because they couldn't do it. So while you wait around for the vaccine I'll work on my immune system and maybe go on a diet. This isn't a Republican or Democrat "thing" people - everybody makes mistakes. Whichever political belief you ascribe to is IRRELEVANT to using common sense when making profoundly idiotic or even dangerous changes to your behavior regarding health and hygiene. Even worse is to "enforce" those changes with laws made by clueless bureaucrats and their supporters.