Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Henry-Seacoast View Post
And some wonder why people leave this forum....... There is no middle ground. There are either good people that care about an industry and treat customers they way they should...as customers. and then there are the total bags of ****.

Smartadvance... You can comment about me all you want. Commenting about anyone's wife or family member shows your true colors. Clearly you are the later of the above reference people on this forum.
I wasn’t commenting about your wife. I don’t know you or your wife. I don’t know if you even have a wife.

I was commenting about a song called WAP. Look it up. Look up the debate about this song from the left VS the right.

But hey, let me ask you a question-
How is it that the top 4 most deadliest covid states are all blue states? (NY, NJ, MA, CT)

Why are more Americans dying from Covid in Democratic states (per 100,000) then any other states or countries in the world?