Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Henry-Seacoast View Post
COVID will not just "go away" without a vaccine and proper measures from everyone period. Parts of the US will see the virus spread again because of lack of vigilance from citizens. It's not about "controlling" people, it's about doing what is right until there is a vaccine. It's not about YOU....it's about US. Wear a F'ing mask, wash your F'ing hands, and stay the F away from others. It's that simple.

The spread in Florida is far worse than it was back in March. My wife is a nurse manager for a hospital in South Florida. 50% of the patients are COVID positive. The difference between now and March is the patients are younger. Example: 22 year old died a couple of weeks ago. Health guy with NO underlying conditions. COVID hit him hard and fast after attending a party. He had uncontrollable blood clots all over is body and eventually stroked out. The spread now is worse because people are NOT wearing masks, NOT practicing good personal hygiene, and NOT social distancing.

For the economy it sucks. Businesses will fail and businesses models will have to change. It will take much longer to recover if people don't do the right thing.

I have been working from home since February. I wear a mask whenever I leave my home. I go to store during non-peak shopping hours. I do these things not to just protect myself and my Family..... I do these things because it is the right thing to do to protect others.
I respectfully disagree with most, if not all of the above. Way too much evidence proving the exact opposite of what is being claimed to post here - PM me if you want sources. Masks, Lock-downs and most of the draconian measures which are used to enforce them are total Bull**** including social distancing for otherwise healthy people. There's proof: Sweden, Netherlands, South Dakota, Iowa and the list goes on. BTW Tell anyone you know who may have been infected by this serious virus (and I mean that) to take Hydrochloriquine / Z-pac / Zinc protocol which has also been proven is multiple studies to be an effective treatment