Quote Originally Posted by Michael I View Post
BECAUSE NEW YORK KILLED THEM.beside cumo nursing home killings , the hospitals were overloaded and not giving care to anyone.They have a bunch of cases where people left messages on their phone saying that if they die it is from dehydration because no one is giving them food or water.All this because of stupid damn politics that they wouldn't use the boat that trump sent because it might help his ratings.
Also look into how the hospitals make money from the federal govt based on deaths they had. They claimed no loves ones can be with in the hospital. I truly belive that if loved ones were there new york would have had half the deaths not double.
A LOT more could have been done with nursing homes everywhere..... The whole industry was problematic way before COVID even started.

Hospitals are actually losing money because of COVID. Yes, the Fed is paying the cost of treating COVID, but they are not paying the cost of where hospitals make their money.....operating rooms. The margins for treating patients in the ER and floors is not where they make money......it's the OR. Since elective surgeries were halted, a hospital here in Florida is losing $20Mil a month. The drain on the hospitals is staffing low margin areas to deal with COVID meanwhile what makes hospitals money is closed.