Quote Originally Posted by Chambo View Post
Reminds me of the late 90's Boilerroom cleanup that swept through Wall Street.

Alot of the same chest thumping and whining back then too...heh, almost ver batim,

But they got rid of 90% of the riff raff though..

Alas, you young bucks never want to learn from past history...y'all think you are better and smarter than your predecessors....when you ain't even original
I was one of those guys! The riff raff never went away, trust me! Now they borrow at 0% from the Fed and skate while their companies are convicted of felonies like Chase, WF and Citi and then pay fines waaaay less than the $$ they steal.

This is gang warfare where the "Muscle" is when the authorities work to advantage of one side against the other.