Quote Originally Posted by Chambo View Post
Same argument was used with COJs too....how did that one turn out? All it is going to take is three or four of these merchants testifying & crying in a public (eg. legal) forum about being "forced" to pay 40-50 cents on the dollar over two months......and it is a wrap. Doesn't matter how tough you pretend to be, or how loud you scream or beat your chest.

Nobody wants regulation or the Feds taking over the arena...but you guys are giving them EVERY opportunity and in some cases DARING them to come after you. Some of you dudes need to open up a book and read some history. NOBODY EVER in the business/criminal history of the US has taunted the Gov't, and walked away unscathed, if even still standing....ever

You can go take your freak hike with THAT knowledge, and leave the rest of us to clean up the mess and move on
Chambo, you do understand that I myself am not the funder. If all a merchant qualifies for is a 20 - 60 day deal, I am going to sell it and make as much money as possible. I've had multiple merchants decline a 20 - 60 day deal, because they are grown men who read an agreement and realize they will not be able to handle the payments. If I present a 20 - 60 day deal to a merchant and he willingly moves forward with the deal, the fault is on him, not me. My job as a broker is to find the merchant the best deal for which he qualifies. If that merchant only qualifies for a 20 - 60 day deal where he is paying .50 on the dollar, I am going to give him his option. It is then his job to use his best judgement (pun intended) to figure out if that deal will work for his business. Chambo, I can tell you're a great salesman by your few responses to my posts if you ever need work a seat will always be open for you!