Quote Originally Posted by B2csp View Post
Well yeah theres always that possibility when these new guys dont train any of their agents and just tell them to dial and say whatever it takes to bring the client in, then these guys dont deserve to be in the industry. Theres no shortcut, hopefully they're all having training meetings right now and teaching their employees and actually putting in the work. Or else, as you said they will be the downfall of the hole industry as we know it.
Or the untrained brokers who are pure "salesmen" will be driven out, and it will be better quality people on the phones, and the trained ones will do a much better job, and the idiots will just leave.

Let's call a spade a spade - Biden is a bit of a wildcard. He went toe-to-toe with Elizabeth Warren to stick up for the credit card industry and bankruptcy law, back in 2005. However, the liberal Democrats have gotten waaaay too much press, and Biden might have to give in to what is probably against his ideology. (He's a Catholic who doesn't currently oppose gay marriage.) So make sure you're able to do higher quality training, and don't grow too fast, and keep on trucking.