This is shock-n-awe. Freeze accounts, lock down all transactions, kinda like their knee on Par's neck huh?

Only these guys are smart, law abiding and rich enough to fight back which means the only game the Fed's have left is the same pathetic game plan they use every time they f$#k up: abuse their authority, play dirty, lie, game the system and basically do things far worse than the "criminals" they're supposedly stopping.

Meanwhile Dimon, Corzine, Wells, Chase, Citi, HSBC some of whom have recently been convicted of egregious felony's including money laundering catch a freezes or perp walks there huh?

How would it sound every time Dimon was interviewed on CNBC they introduced him as the "Chairman of convicted felon bank Chase"?

This is a shakedown. A bad one. God speed and best of luck - we need Par back !!