PAR is done. Gone. Finito. No mas. Adios amigos. The SEC keeps winning in court. The federal charges against Laforte (who everyone knows was running the show with his wife's name on everything because he's a felon with a list of creditors from long island NY to long beach CA) are going to stick. He's looking at 2-4 on the gun charges and the gov't may push for more. My bet is he does more time on the "felon in possession of a firearm" charge than he did for the whole mortgage scam. The SEC's receiver fired everyone and hired a liquidation firm (DSI). PAR's employees will be given the opportunity to interview for their old jobs but it would behoove them to seek employment elsewhere. Even if by some miracle the florida court tosses the case, they are so far gone it will be impossible for them to continue business as usual. How are they going to raise capital after this? No more free steak dinners by their pitchmen. It's very likely, based on laforte's history and family ties, that this becomes a huge criminal matter. Court docs said there are multiple criminal investigations by IRS, FBI, FDIC.