Quote Originally Posted by BetterBizLoan View Post
Great Job!! About time someone stands up to these Federal goons. Its a shame that people are being penalized for running a legitimate operation! I guess in today's society were guilty until proven innocent.... Very obvious whats happening here, complete shake down and attack on the industry. Par will prevail.
I hate to break it to all of you, but PAR will NOT prevail.

I DON"T WISH ANYTHING AGAINST PAR. I have never done business with them.

However, the government has spoken, and if they want you, they will get you. Cry and whine like a ***** all you want. Playing tough against them is a waste of f***ng time. If they don't get you for this, they will get you for that.

They have two things that NONE of us out there have. All the time in the world...and all the money in the world.

Normally I would wish PAR the best and suggest they settle to minimize the exposure and damages....but receivership and frozen bank accounts? I think we are WAY, WAY beyond settlement agreements here.