Quote Originally Posted by Akanner View Post
I agree that the industry standard is up in the air in regards to what funders want to fund and how much they want to fund. The risk level tehy want to incur is at their own discretion. Rightfully so.

As a funder I do not agree with the notion that one can use Covid as an excuse to pay lower than normal commissions. Brokers are losing business just as much as many other business owners across the world right now. In that area, the standard should be kept at a normal industry standard. No one wants to hear from a funder that they are willing to fund but not willing to pay full commission.
i am still hearing from brokers that some funders, are threatening to cutoff brokers, if they don't fund a deal. even if that is less commissions. is that really someone you want to do business with? do they really value your business, does this mean you can shove a bunch of apps to their UW and never fund, no. even in normal times there was an expectation but today, UW is much different