Quote Originally Posted by Winning View Post

GoodCustomerService, I am not judging you, maybe the facts warranted the numbers.

Can you share the backstory on this deal? Industry, Credit Rating, previous defaults, and any other info gathered to help you establish your risk assessment that supported the numbers on this deal?

Also I would love to know the mindset of the merchant that would accept such a deal. Was this their 1st mca? How long had they been in business... etc..

If you can't share the exact details due to legal reasons I understand. Perhaps you or someone here can justify when a deal like this is justified in general. I am sure some other people here have done deals just as high as this one, and higher.
its a purchase just like anything. will this make you money or not?Is keeping the lights on for your business worth it or not.I will go old school on the example , If a restaurant takes this expensive money to expand and add a couple of tables. They do the math , each table will make me x amount more per night so after y a mount of months i will be in the positive.