Quote Originally Posted by SmartAdvanced View Post
The reality is that 80% of merchants know exactly what’s going on. They get it. Whether you lie or not. They can always send back the funds if they really want to. Most funders will agree to cancel the deal even after the wire is sent.

Do brokers lie? Yes.
Do funders backdoor? Yes.

But ask yourself this- did any of these people bashing MCA ever lie to their own merchants, brokers or funders? The answer is most certainly Yes.

Ask yourself- do merchants lie to their brokers and funders just to get money? Answer is Yes.

So welcome to capitalism. Not everything is perfect. You try to keep yourself above the water and keep going. Try as much as possible to do clean and honest business.

And the main thing: mind your own business. Don’t fix the world.
80% of merchants is as random of a number you can pull. Nobody in this space has the exact same ratio, statistic, or percentage of merchants that know anything of anything. In my 15 years, I’d fully disagree with your number and drop it below 40% of merchants that actually know what’s up. And I’ve seen funders freeze bank accounts the moment a merchant calls them to send back the money. So unless that funder/lender is legit and vetted out, and you’ve read every inch of your terms and conditions, I’d never recommend just calling up a funder/lender to send back your funding.

Homie, I get you. I never thought this was necessary for me to get involved with. I for years saw other people in the space trying to bring change, but then I started to learn that those same people were involved in the ****. Then it became a personal mission to fight for change, and I did that with my funding company. Trying to get their credit fixed, and assist with getting their books in order. And most of the people involved in this project joined that fight way before AFN was even a thought. And we’ve now grown, and hope to continue.

We just don’t want to cope anymore with the environment, And believe this is OUR business, and believe change is possible if people try and fight for it.

Capitalism used to be a goal, now it’s an excuse. That’s how you know ****s backwards. There are a lot less people able to keep their heads above water right now, and certain people seem to be flying higher than before in private jets.