Bro, I’ve also been apart of those deals. Are you missing the point? We aren’t Angels. We aren’t saying we are better than anyone. What we are saying is there are predators out there, in a lot of industries, including Student Loans, and the DMV, Family Court, and any other institution that receives money from customers regardless of their bad behavior. MCA means nothing to me anymore because I left it. Part of the reason I’m doing this is so guys like Francois don’t choose to backdoor to make money. So people like Amanda aren’t paid like a Janitor in exchange for her hard work, experience and ability to help an organization make Dirty money. I don’t want people like Brian my co host, who a lot of people know as a ISO rep who worked for Pearl for many years, and a genuine, honest individual, to be taken advantage of because he’s not willing to do dirty **** to make a dollar. His integrity is worth more. And all the other people out there in the space that felt disrespected, misunderstood, and misled to sell, or broker, or underwrite, or customer service, and ultimately collect, for people that don’t care about them. The merchants deserve better. Our customers and clients deserve so much better. And anyone who disagrees, please, don’t tune in. You won’t like what we all have to say about you.