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  1. #1
    Hey so I'm Dave Korchak. I'll just say that anyone that thinks I'm out to "Bash" MCA is dead wrong and is probably one of the Predators I'm talking about. And will continue to talk about as long as my rich financial partner likes what I'm saying and doing. But people who know me are well aware that I've done a lot to try and speak up for years on protecting our customers, clients and investors. And some of you have tried to silence me for years because you are the problem. Not me. You take for granted the trust you're given from these people, with their data, their business, money and families, and you are willing to destroy them for what? Simple answer...Money. Ain't nothing wrong with making money, but not at the expense of a human being. Yeah, do merchants **** and steal, and are they bad people...sure...some of them. But two wrongs don't make a right, and don't give anyone an excuse to do some of the things I've seen done to people in this space. It's disgusting and criminal, and everyone here either knows someone like this, or is one themselves and seriously, straighten up your act or cease to exist. We have no room for predators in this world anymore. Yes, I've been to many a gang bang in this business...that's true...but I was always the guy with the condom on sanitizing the joint. I've made money in MCA, not millions, but enough to feed my family for the past 16 years and some just call that a hard days work. Now, a hard days work is measured based on how fat your pockets are. It used to be based on your physical strength and moral attitude. I always had my morals in front of me. Have I sold them a couple times? Absolutely! But I was very weak physically, and very over weight, and now, still have the Dad bod but I can bench 275. I'm a much more WOKE individual today because of what I saw during Covid. What I saw people "Pivot" to in this space, which a lot of good decent people went and helped their clients find PPP loans, for hope of a 1% commission paid for by the tax payers...and some decided to tell them they were declined and sell them a cash advance. During the worst economic climate in all of history, people were pitching MCA. While the government is giving out PPP loans to Reality TV stars who own trucking companies, that have 4 MCA judgements on them, yeah they told small business owners that they didn't qualify for potentially free, or 1% money, and decided to pitch them a 3 month 1.49 with 10% fees on it. If that doesn't piss you off, you ain't in my demographic for this show. I've only once changed my name in this space, and that was when I was a 21 year old Broker at 2nd Source. I've come a long way, and although it may have not be clean or the most lucrative, it was my path that led me here. Cause I give a **** about the merchant. I have care and compassion for them. That doesn't make me stupid, ignorant, a bad salesman...it just makes me a bad salesman in what has now become a TOXIC FINANCIAL PRODUCT. It kills businesses, eventually, just most people don't hang around to see the carnage. But there's hope, if we create the true reform necessary to clean this ****hole up, and make the ground even again. You can **** on me, criticize my life decisions, dig up old dirt....go for it. I'm happy to explain my action for anyone that wants to listen...to the show. Leave remarks in the comment section. I'm all over social media, with my real name, and have no problem engaging with people that truly believe "Enough is Enough!". Have a pleasant day!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Reputation points: 77721
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by GoodCustomerService View Post
    Hey so I'm Dave Korchak. I'll just say that anyone that thinks I'm out to "Bash" MCA is dead wrong and is probably one of the Predators I'm talking about. And will continue to talk about as long as my rich financial partner likes what I'm saying and doing. But people who know me are well aware that I've done a lot to try and speak up for years on protecting our customers, clients and investors. And some of you have tried to silence me for years because you are the problem. Not me. You take for granted the trust you're given from these people, with their data, their business, money and families, and you are willing to destroy them for what? Simple answer...Money. Ain't nothing wrong with making money, but not at the expense of a human being. Yeah, do merchants **** and steal, and are they bad people...sure...some of them. But two wrongs don't make a right, and don't give anyone an excuse to do some of the things I've seen done to people in this space. It's disgusting and criminal, and everyone here either knows someone like this, or is one themselves and seriously, straighten up your act or cease to exist. We have no room for predators in this world anymore. Yes, I've been to many a gang bang in this business...that's true...but I was always the guy with the condom on sanitizing the joint. I've made money in MCA, not millions, but enough to feed my family for the past 16 years and some just call that a hard days work. Now, a hard days work is measured based on how fat your pockets are. It used to be based on your physical strength and moral attitude. I always had my morals in front of me. Have I sold them a couple times? Absolutely! But I was very weak physically, and very over weight, and now, still have the Dad bod but I can bench 275. I'm a much more WOKE individual today because of what I saw during Covid. What I saw people "Pivot" to in this space, which a lot of good decent people went and helped their clients find PPP loans, for hope of a 1% commission paid for by the tax payers...and some decided to tell them they were declined and sell them a cash advance. During the worst economic climate in all of history, people were pitching MCA. While the government is giving out PPP loans to Reality TV stars who own trucking companies, that have 4 MCA judgements on them, yeah they told small business owners that they didn't qualify for potentially free, or 1% money, and decided to pitch them a 3 month 1.49 with 10% fees on it. If that doesn't piss you off, you ain't in my demographic for this show. I've only once changed my name in this space, and that was when I was a 21 year old Broker at 2nd Source. I've come a long way, and although it may have not be clean or the most lucrative, it was my path that led me here. Cause I give a **** about the merchant. I have care and compassion for them. That doesn't make me stupid, ignorant, a bad salesman...it just makes me a bad salesman in what has now become a TOXIC FINANCIAL PRODUCT. It kills businesses, eventually, just most people don't hang around to see the carnage. But there's hope, if we create the true reform necessary to clean this ****hole up, and make the ground even again. You can **** on me, criticize my life decisions, dig up old dirt....go for it. I'm happy to explain my action for anyone that wants to listen...to the show. Leave remarks in the comment section. I'm all over social media, with my real name, and have no problem engaging with people that truly believe "Enough is Enough!". Have a pleasant day!
    Holy shiz... you are the man! Props to you and I totally agree. People always push the limits until the whole thing comes crashing down on everybody. This industry can and is 100% legit when it is done properly. People are so afraid of regulation and change but I am 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00% looking forward to it. I cannot wait until the criminals and dumbasses are forced to find a retail job because they won't be allowed to do MCA anymore. Once merchants stop getting screwed over and lied to, defaults will drop by 123019082341980321980319831 percent and SOOO many more merchants will be looking for real legitimate sales reps and funders. I'm so tired of the dumbass brokers who think they are so cool because they know how to lie and cheat merchants. It always leads to a default and than it ends up becoming an endless cycle of funders trying to figure out how to scam merchants so they can recoup their loses and brokers continuously screwing over both the merchants and the funders money.

  3. #3
    Dave. This is what is known as "Closing the door behind you". You either make a career (or don't make a career) selling MCA's, then turn around and call youself a self proclaimed 'whistle blower'. Like a comedian who makes it by telling politically incorrect Jokes, then turns around and says Comedy needs to be more Respectful.
    You are not going to pursue this as being the means of your channel. Because nobody, no business owner, is going to care... Because they're too busy trying to run their business, and too frustrated with the same community banks that say they are going to help them, and then don't...
    How could have spent your time trying to make a channel helping MCA Brokers be better and more successful, respectable, salesman..
    Instead...Opportunity Lost.. Dead.. Declined.. Defaulted.. Sent to Gino.. Goodbye

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by StellarCap View Post
    Dave. This is what is known as "Closing the door behind you". You either make a career (or don't make a career) selling MCA's, then turn around and call youself a self proclaimed 'whistle blower'. Like a comedian who makes it by telling politically incorrect Jokes, then turns around and says Comedy needs to be more Respectful.
    You are not going to pursue this as being the means of your channel. Because nobody, no business owner, is going to care... Because they're too busy trying to run their business, and too frustrated with the same community banks that say they are going to help them, and then don't...
    How could have spent your time trying to make a channel helping MCA Brokers be better and more successful, respectable, salesman..
    Instead...Opportunity Lost.. Dead.. Declined.. Defaulted.. Sent to Gino.. Goodbye
    Stellar Cap, welcome! glad after 3 months on the Forum that you also chose to attack me with your first post. You guys are cute.

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