Quote Originally Posted by Michael I View Post
first off i am a broker. Now i do speak to a lot of funders and merchants.Beside for some scumbags (bad apples) funders that i hate , most hate going the legal route and will try very hard to reach the merchant and have the iso try also just to talk with them and tell them whats up . They pretty much all will work with a merchant going through a hard time like what is happening now. Now keep in mind no one is running a charity ,just giving money for free. They have to do some sort of collections as they have responsibility to their investors.
Does that mean that collecting money is more important than another persons life? I had a deal awhile ago where a merchant was doing 500k a month and had an excellent business. By his 3rd advance a lot of things started to happen to him and his business had a major downfall that was unexpected. I spoke to him on the phone to try and set up a payment plan and he literally said "I am trying my hardest to not jump off the nearest bridge". Does a responsibility to an investor have more merit than a responsibility to being a good person who happens to be more blessed on this planet than the person you are legally going after?

Also whats the justification in giving someone $50,000 and having them pay back $75,000 over 6 months with 5% fee's so the merchant doesn't even net the full 50k... Does that also somehow feel moral and normal to do to other people who are living in this same world we all share under god? If I was an investor and I had millions and millions to play with, I'm not too sure that I would look at cash advance as a game to get into. Technically I could get into selling cocaine and that would make me some INSANE profit as well but where does the line from whats morally right and wrong start and end?