Quote Originally Posted by pcfunder View Post
Ok interesting point. Again, I am not trying to offend or act like what I'm saying is correct and everyone else is wrong. I am just trying to understand because my gut tells me that something is wrong with all of this even though I've made a pretty good living doing this and I related to a lot of what David said.

It also feels weird that on a normal day my job involves me working with the mafia, ex criminals who have committed felonies, and brokers with 0 sales training or 0 sales experience. I'm not sure what that says but feels like its odd to ignore that one as well...
1) Not offended.
2) I make a living off dealing with brokers who don't know much else other than MCAs, so it's hard to complain
3) Yes, I can relate to David's points as well, it's just the way it's being presented is a bit ... aggressive, unbecoming and crass. I've dealt with plenty of the bad actors as well.