"How much self-regulation and how much big brother regulation is needed in order to protect adults? If anything, more podcasts should focus on the student debt trap. Merchant debt trap? They are business owners after all, and grown adults."

When you work for a funding company, or lie to a merchant and say you do, they expect you to know what you are doing. When you go to a dentist and they tell you that you need a cavity filled, do you have the dentist show you exactly how they are going to fill your cavity before you get it done? And than after he shows you the procedure do you go home and research it before he starts filling the cavity? In this country, people expect to be treated normal, its not supposed to feel like the wild west and whoever has the biggest pocket is the coolest. Thats ****ing retarded and stop running from your small dick problems. There is more to life than money I promise......

You talk about how student loans are a problem too. That's because students also EXPECTED this country to guide them in the right direction. Once everyone was approved for a 30k-100k loan and told they can study liberal arts or history, we expected that things would work out and we'd have a decent job. The education system failed us because colleges were charging WAY too high prices and they weren't even keeping up with how fast society was moving. They were still telling people to major in history meanwhile people needed to major in computer technology or engineering. It's just another example of when someone is in a position of power, you expect them to guide you not hurt you and than run away once they make a killing.