Quote Originally Posted by Daily Fun View Post
Thanks Dave for taking the time to reply!

If I put myself in the merchant's shoes, if I were borrowing 60k @ 1.40 FR, and being informed I needed to repay 84k, I might reasonably ask "And how much of that goes to you for connecting me with the lender?"

If the guy hemmed and hawed or refused to answer, I might well conclude I'm getting stiffed, and try to get it lower elsewhere and start "shopping". (I'm the merchant in this example, it's a normal thing to try to cut costs, and that starts with knowing what they are.)

So to avoid the shopping reflex, I wanted to start off on the right foot with a good answer ready for the merchant. If someone asks this, I assume the answer isn't "None of your business," that there has to be a diplomatic way of dealing with it, even if it doesn't include revealing the number.

I like it... fresh... new... so full of positivity (and not tarnished with thick skinned MCA). LOL.

Some merchants will want to know what you're making. If you are showing them the value that you bring to the table then there should be no discussion about how much you make. That doesn't mean you shouldn't feel the need to address the question head on. That also means you should feel the burn in the face if you are ripping them off with 15 points and a 10 point psf and they ask... if you can't tell someone what you are making with a straight face - maybe you don't feel you earned it.

2%, as a success fee (what Micah said) - is reasonable to charge a business owner on financing you've helped secure, if you are making 3-7 points from the funder. Just be ready to disclose it.

On the flip side of the coin - I wouldn't open a conversation with "this is what I typically make". Especially when you've seen some of their margins!