Hanna, many good questions here...

YES - many businesses, including high risk funders, will go out of business / consolidate / sell off their portfolio's. It's a buyers market. Go after those buyers.
YES - leads, is going to be an uphill battle. I said this at the start of the pandemic SBA/PPP situation: this is a lead grab for large players thinking long term. The solution? Find a way to mine then maintain lead relationships. Long term is the name of the game. The days of stacking, wham bam thank you maam, low hanging fruit and high commissions is over.

MCA firms will DEFINITELY be able to compete with 0 / low interest loans backed the government... YES - the pool is smaller... but the need is still great. You're going to have to "Blue Ocean Strategy" that one for yourself but the general question is: who will your business serve?

New types of businesses will pop up due to our new realities. Many people want to support local (or I read this morning, black owned businesses). They all will need financing. Again, think LONG term. No need to earn 15 points on one deal.

The second part is keeping the relationship alive. Why would a business owner stick with you over the next funder? Super broker? ISO?

You need to add value to their business.

I have recently been working with a program that you can offer your clients that:
- Will Save them Money EVERY month on their merchant processing WITHOUT having to change anything or anyone (easy).
- Cost them nothing to see how much money they can save. (free money back in their pocket!)
- Cost them nothing every month out of pocket if they do not save anything that month. (keeps them saving money every month)
- Earns you a residual commission every month (for up to 5 years).

It will help them save money every month (and a reason to talk to them and keep the relationship going strong)...
It will earn you a little something every month for the entire 5 years they are saving money....
You will keep them in your pocket because you are adding value EVERY month.

I am introducing a few super brokers and funders to the company offering this program as they are seeking to add on another 1 or 2 volume accounts.

But yes, things will bounce back. And get stronger than before. It's the time to plan and execute - if you have not already.

I'm available to discuss!

Steven Ruiz
Presto Prestamo, LLC