Winning, you're right with what you said. It's too complicated to move forward on reparations. When I meant direct descendants, I meant them and their kids. Unfortunately, it's just too late.

This course I took called the Third World was actually an eye-opener in that exact sense you wrote. It was taught by an African (not African American.... he was actually an immigrant from Africa) and the current history shows that being a Third World country has a significant disadvantage over being in the Kingdom, since they get all of the economic disadvantages and separation as well as being poor.

I definitely see a different between Confederate soldiers and Columbus. Columbus was a buffoon who got lucky, slaughtered human beings who were different than he was just for wealth and glory, and then was commandeered by the Italian community in the

It's amazing that everyone bought hook-line-and-sinker the myths, Columbus was legitimately evil. The Confederacy was mainly about honor and economics. They were racist, sure, but that wasn't the root reason why they fought a war to kill other people.

Columbus's initial description of the American Indians: "They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance.... They would make fine servants.... With 50 men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want." Columbus was a pure opportunist and evil person. The Confederates..... jury's still out. It's just that the liberal society wants 100% tolerance of every opinion.... except the opinions of those who draw lines and limit opinion! And everyone is guilty until proven innocent.