Quote Originally Posted by Winning View Post
Wow, there is actually legislation that is gaining steam exploring whether Black Americans should receive restitution for slavery, bill H.R. 40.

Could you all imagine if the Government actually passed something that would give reparations for slavery and the Jim Crow era? That price would be so huge I think it would instantly tank the value of the dollar. Due to that, I think traditional reparations for slavery will never happen in the form of checks cut to black americans. I think that the the issue is to complex and expensive, as one of the reasons why the government has not made any official attempt to answer for it. By the goverment not addressing this issue of reparations when the Slaves where first freed, they have made this 10,000 times more complicated.

It is a new day for record spending packages and magic money. So maybe paying reparations would not bankrupt the USA either.
After the Civil War, there were reparations.....to the white plantation owners for loss of property. Andrew Johnson being President after Lincoln was shot is a big reason for that. He was a major White Supremacist from the South