Quote Originally Posted by abfunders View Post
Like I said here, the good news was that I did have an agreement in place. He didn't want to sign the ISO agreement when I offered it to him, but he worked on that structure that I dictate terms, and can release him at any time. The binding arbitration worked that out.

At the end of the day, though, I wanted to make it good between us, and I ended up paying him a nominal percent from the transaction to make him happy. Considering he's a good guy who got really bad advice from the one who introduced us (and that sent me the deal) that was 100% wrong advice, we completely made up and I let him know that this person that gave him the advice was completely out of line and explained that he had no right to step in here. The guy who introduced him to me was also happy with the fact that I paid him, and he's good with me as well, and he's still sending me deals.

Good to hear.
