Quote Originally Posted by Iscibibi153 View Post
Hey all,

I just started in the MCA industry. I am wondering how much one can expect to earn as a broker, working in a broker shop. The amount earned obviously depends on the percent of commission the broker gets, so if you can share that as well please that would be appreciated. Many MCA Broker ads say yearly earnings can be up to 200k or more, I'd like to know if that is accurate or not. Thanks!
What Broker ad? Wonder who it is... I think the most important point is how another Broker will collect agents from anywhere and sell the dream of 200k + when you don't even know squat about the industry inside. For this industry and many others - the job that you will do will have you collect data and warm people up... kind of like a fluffer. You can only be a fluffer for so long and have what it takes to be in the shot or quit and be embarrassed that you got played to fluff.

You make as much money as you grind for. This industry can be high earnings but you need to earn it and it goes far beyond that Company bait and switching new "Brokers" to join their team, learn for 2 months, and pop-off another Broker to add to the stray cats roaming the neighborhood as it is.

Moral. Don't be a fluffer and don't become a stray cat.