Do NOT listen to all the people saying MCA focused shops are dead. Its just not true. Most people saying that do other types of alternative financing and they want convince you MCA is dead so you send them deals, which isnt a bad thing. Listen it's always beneficial to have a broad range of products, but if only close MCA you can still make a lot of money.

Theres no one answer to how much you can make, as many have already said it depends on a combination of how good you are on the phone+how good your leads are+who you work for. If your half decent you can probably expect to make around 50K first year and be clearing 6 figurses by year 3 the latest. WHat you put into it is what you'll get out of it. Any shmuck can get lucky and close a 350K deal, but to close consistently and build yourself a real book of business it takes hard work and dedication. You can potentially be making a few 100K a year if you get really good.