ok so i had someone that worked with me a couple of years ago .She had a solid 5 years experience and knew how to close deals.She felt that they were stealing from her and went on interviews all over including a bunch of people on this site. By every interview she will call out the numbers they said reps are making and ask to see the 1099 from the file cabinet behind you and block out the name. 95% switched it to what you could be making and not what actual reps are making currently.
Now to answer your question, there are companies that will offer high splits because they give you absolutely zero a crm and some ucc leads.Now they are others that spend ten of thousands of dollars to get better leads and build technology , infrastructure etc .that people can be on a 20% split making 200-300k .If you are not making 100k your first year you either suck or are by the wrong place.
the only ones that i know with 100% certainty that are making 500k place is those with big teams under them.

to argue on the previous poster i know personally 20 people and i am sure they are hundreds that thought they can do it on their own and failed miserably.