Both Kevin and $$FundIt$$ are correct.

The question of whether or not this is a good time for you to get in this business, is only one that you can answer. I have been in the business for 8 years, the first 3 of which I worked at various shops.

I would say the average for a decent rep, those who find a good shop (hard to do) that pays decent commission (25-40%) that has good marketing (which is rare) and pays renewals, will earn:

Low end: $30k
Middle ground: $50k
High: $70k'
Rock star/manager: $100k and above

The problem is finding the right shop. In my first 3 years I worked at about 6 places. One had a great environment but the leads sucked, another had great leads but the owner was a psychopath, several tried to steal my own commissions from me, and one literally just decided not to pay me a $12k commission. I eventually went out on my own.

One thing is certain- shops that sell only mcas were already a dying breed. And now that a plague is upon us, it is (and will continue to be) even worse.