Quote Originally Posted by Iscibibi153 View Post
Hey all,

I just started in the MCA industry. I am wondering how much one can expect to earn as a broker, working in a broker shop. The amount earned obviously depends on the percent of commission the broker gets, so if you can share that as well please that would be appreciated. Many MCA Broker ads say yearly earnings can be up to 200k or more, I'd like to know if that is accurate or not. Thanks!

I am not in the advance space... I have a feeling if you concentrate solely on advances right now it will be a tough haul, but a great time to learn and build relationships. You would be better served learning other products to offer customers so you have a more well rounded arsenal of tools at hand. Right now I know that brokers doing factoring, non-bank ABL, real estate, and SBA are doing quite well. Also.....building a book of recurring revenue commissions is key to weathering storms like this. The folks that have placed some products I mentioned are doing quite well as the commissions keep flowing. All the new business closed as a result of the crisis just adds to a longer term book.

I joined our firm almost 7 years ago. before I joined I was an investment banker financing companies up and down the balance sheet. I am still collecting fees from deals I did before joining the firm as I structured the majority of my agreements with back-end commissions or warrants. The upfront fees are cool, but back-end fees or residuals will always bring the big income.