Quote Originally Posted by Izzy View Post
Afternoon DailyFunder Fam!

First thing's first - I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!

Since we are a few weeks into the crisis now - we have been able to take a look at our books and what has still been performing to develop some newly updated funding guidelines.

The biggest changes are the reoopening up of construction/contracting services - and our cap reduction to $50k max on the majority of deals.

The risk tolerance isn't there at the moment to go into a deal for $500k - I'm sure you can understand why. That being said, we do want to fund deals within our new essential business guidelines and happy to do add-ons/renewals at a higher dollar down the road if we see the deal is performing well!

We are continuing to monitor the situation closely and making an exerted effort to adjust accordingly - because we ACTUALLY want to fund!

Please reach out to: izzy@advantagecapitalfunding.com for our updated guidelines or an iso agreement.

Doing my best to keep putting money in your pockets - I know we all could use it!

Much love as always,
Your Favorite Iso Rep

Advantage isn't funding. thank you.