On Deck was only approved last week - and there were zero funds.

Monday April 27, 2020 - @ 10:30 a.m. SBA started accepted applications.
So you are stating that in less than 24 hours you had PPP applications approved & funded thru OnDeck?

That is sure an amazing feat since on their web site they states the following:

If you have not already been approved for a PPP loan, you can apply now through OnDeck, even if you have put in a PPP application elsewhere. Applying for a PPP loan with OnDeck will not impact the status of any prior PPP applications you may have submitted. Please note that additional SBA funds for PPP are not yet available. We will begin submitting applications to the SBA once funding has been approved and released. Applications from existing OnDeck customers may be prioritized over non-customers for submission to the SBA.

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