Who can be an agent? An agent is an authorized representative and can be:
• An attorney;
• An accountant;
• A consultant;
• Someone who prepares an applicant’s application for financial assistance and is
employed and compensated by the applicant;
• Someone who assists a lender with originating, disbursing, servicing, liquidating, or
litigating SBA loans;
• A loan broker; or
• Any other individual or entity representing an applicant by conducting business with the

Treasury Lender Information Fact Sheet PDF LINK

Make sure you guys are actually reading the rules about this stuff before you go messing with it.

And just a piece of advise for anyone out there that thinks they're going to go down this road and get rich - that link has info on lender and agent compensation.

DO NOT "PSF" the client otherwise you're opening yourself up to a world of hurt.

Just thought I'd share since people in the MCA space think they can just do anything and rarely pay attention to actual regulations.

Quote Originally Posted by Yankeeman07 View Post
PPP Applications cannot be handled via "Brokers" and I have doubts anyone should even be using 3rd party so-called FinTech Companies that claim they will submit PPP Applications.

The SBA has already posted on their web site , they are processing applications "in the queue on a first come, first-served basis." Also, many banks have also posted on their web sites, "new applications are NOT being accepted"