Quote Originally Posted by skideeppow View Post
I have been banking with Wells for 28 years, they hold all my money. They were worthless concerning the PPP program. They are still sending me emails stating that i can not apply because they are too backed up.

I applied with a local bank that specializes in SBA loans. They did my app on Friday. And i was declined yesterday. So at least i know i dont qualify since i am in the brokering and funding of small business loans.

Anyway my point is that the small regional bank had their **** together where as wells was worthless.
Question, was your experience with Wells Fargo bad enough for you to actually decide to move your funds into the small regional bank? That is the million dollar question. Will people that discover that the way they have been doing things may not be the best way, and if so will they find it worth the effort to go a diffrent route. Will this make the customer uncomfortable enough to actually do something about it?

This situation is really shaking the bag so to speak.. It will be interesting to see how the dust settles.

Just like with your personal experience you just posted about.. This situation cracked the door open for the small regional bank you posted about. Now it is up to that Small Regional Bank to really put on a dog & pony show for you. They have try to kick the door you cracked open, wide open and some sort of way land you as a customer. There marketing and remarketing will need to be on point and firing on all cylinders to make the most of all the people just like you that is cracking the door open for them. The hard thing is that people are mostly lazy and forget things quickly.. So the marketing and retargeting get's very expensive.. Having to constantly keep reminding people that "hey your big bank wasn't there for you, we were, don't treat us like the ugly step child, look at all we have to offer you, come over here!!!" requires a good well funded marketing system.. The big FinTech companies have the money and systems to go after all the people that will be cracking that door open.. Perhaps the small regional banks don't.

The same logic can be applied to the new FinTech / Fed Relationship. Due to the situation, the Fed cracked the door open for the FinTech companies... Now the Fintech companies need to put on the best Dog & Pony Show ever for the Fed in hopes they will see the goodness in FinTech's, and susequently open the doors wide open for FinTech's.

Quote Originally Posted by skideeppow View Post
On another note i was working with a document prep company (as in selling their product) that was charging $2500 up front to prepare and submit SBA docs for the PPP, the grant and the disaster relief program. I did that for 2 days. I thought it was shady as **** an was taking advantage of people. So I stopped.
The "Is capitalism moral?" rabbit hole...

Best stock week since 1938 at the same time 16 Million of us lost our jobs in 3 weeks.

They say an image is worth a thousand words.