Quote Originally Posted by Winning View Post
Short term it may not be worth it if they are only looking at profits per initiative. But long term it may be a huge win for any company that can deliver on the PPP in a fast painless way. Just like I am here preaching the Gospel of paypal, because I have used the product and used other products and I have witnessed the goodness of Paypal vs other products.. That type of marketing is priceless..
I have been banking with Wells for 28 years, they hold all my money. They were worthless concerning the PPP program. They are still sending me emails stating that i can not apply because they are too backed up.

I applied with a local bank that specializes in SBA loans. They did my app on Friday. And i was declined yesterday. So at least i know i dont qualify since i am in the brokering and funding of small business loans.

Anyway my point is that the small regional bank had their **** together where as wells was worthless.

On another note i was working with a document prep company (as in selling their product) that was charging $2500 up front to prepare and submit SBA docs for the PPP, the grant and the disaster relief program. I did that for 2 days. I thought it was shady as **** an was taking advantage of people. So I stopped.