Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Henry-Seacoast View Post

The only reason a non-participating bank or fintech would apply to be a participant is a customer grab. They think that they can grab depository relationships from other banks that were either overwhelmed with PPP or refused the client for one reason or another. It's a great thought, but they are NOT going to make any money on this product alone and are bottom feeding. There might be other reasons for non-banks to apply for participation or act as a broker.....to grab information from the customers needing PPP for other purposes. All eyes are on this program. If anyone does anything nefarious they will go down hard and fast.

I have been saying for weeks...... If you think you are going to make any money off these programs as a lender, agent, or broker.....you are wasting your time. Time is better served trying to help clients in other ways.

This is 100% absolutely right.