Quote Originally Posted by inacio View Post
I believe commissions will be paid perhaps 1%. Right now you have brokers taking half of the 1% giving us .50%
In the coming day,weeks you'll see many Fintech loan companies, Ondeck and alike having this.
Right now we just have to hold tight and get what we can with the current system (brokers) until the direct lenders start carrying it. It will happen.
Money dried up for MCA term loans for the retail/restaurants and investors are making 0% Why wouldn't they opt-in to make a 1-2% off of the 5%

Yeah 1% of $100,000 loan is $1,000 vs MCA $8,000 - $15,000 it will take you many more loans to get to that amount, more loans to process which wont be a problem to signup.

Their will be lots of opportunity to make great income.
Banks are inundated processing current customers. Little to no banks are paying ANY referral fees.
I know brokers wishing to submit a non-customer for free and they are being turned down. If you think you are going to make a lot of money on these....you are living on Hope Island.