Quote Originally Posted by cmarks View Post
whats the reembursement fee? make that a net number after your estimated costs of underwriting(you dont even know what they are underwriting!!)
6 months deferment, not a year

The deferment is up to 1 year. Yes, we ****ing know what they are underwriting.

Seriously, the fact that you have continuously argued that the lenders aren’t originating with their own capital, but think it’s the treasury originating the loans, tells us you have no ****ing clue how this works. Yet you’re so adamant that this is such a good deal for lenders. That somehow you know something they don’t know.

Let people who navigate SBA lending on a daily basis discuss this. Stick to writing reviews about people in the MCA space.

And tell us, which lenders aren’t doing 7(a)s as you claim? Have you ever done an SBA loan before?