List Of Lenders Still Funding - Page 2
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  1. #26
    Senior Member Reputation points: 14001
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    We are not bull****. Would you like broker and client references for transactions that we have done recently?
    why would you release that information?

  2. #27
    Senior Member Reputation points: 307559
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    Jun 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    Not spamming. Offering our product and letting everyone (everyone else that is) in the industry know that we are funding and that we have a solution for small businesses who are choking on MCAs, especially right now. You can bash us all you want, our product is alive and well and helping small business after small business. Hope to speak to you some day without you lashing out. You are a seasoned professional on here. Well, at least it seemed you were.
    How do you compete with lend a biz ? Seems to be exact same program? Do you pay better ? Also do you require merchant to have mca debt so you can quietly without merchant knowing work out a discount ?

  3. #28
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    Not spamming. Offering our product and letting everyone (everyone else that is) in the industry know that we are funding and that we have a solution for small businesses who are choking on MCAs, especially right now. You can bash us all you want, our product is alive and well and helping small business after small business. Hope to speak to you some day without you lashing out. You are a seasoned professional on here. Well, at least it seemed you were.
    Not spamming? You copied and pasted the SAME COMMENT 10 times in 10 minutes on this site.

  4. #29
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    We would not release that information in a forum but would do it offline for any non-believers. Our borrowers and brokers are very happy to share success stories.

  5. #30
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    WestCoast if you every need a refinance. We welcome your application.

  6. #31
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    Michael I I private messaged you.

  7. #32
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    WestCoast if you every need a refinance. We welcome your application.
    If someone needed help with a refinance, they would go to the direct source, and not a broker like yourself. The language on your website talks about your lending "partners" and cash advance "partners". and how you "assist" with getting them financing. But on here you talk about how you lend your "own" money.

    Its all bull****.

  8. #33
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    Technically, it was 10 times in 5 minutes. Can only post every 30 seconds. And below is the definition of spam. We are not inappropriate or irrelevant nor is 10 messages a "large number" lol. Please come to your senses WestCoast.


    irrelevant or inappropriate messages sent on the Internet to a large number of recipients.
    a canned meat product made mainly from ham.

  9. #34
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    We are not a broker. We are direct lenders my friend. References available upon request from our very happy borrowers and referral partners. Just PM me and we can talk if you would like that. Thanks West.

  10. #35
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    We are direct lenders that specialize in Merchant Cash Advance refinancing into a 24 to 36-month term loan that has a monthly payment.
    I like you WestCoast you very negative and quick to judge but you are persistent.

    Join the refinance wave that is inevitable within this industry my friend.

  11. #36
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    We are not a broker. We are direct lenders my friend. References available upon request from our very happy borrowers and referral partners. Just PM me and we can talk if you would like that. Thanks West.
    Buddy, thankfully the internet is forever, and you don't realize that every page you have ever posted is archived. You just updated your site and, while you took this page off your menu, its still live:

    "Through our direct capital partners, Kanjorski Partners has developed a business financing consultancy program to help business owners restructure their business debt. We can aid in negotiations for payoffs of judgments and liens filed by Merchant Cash companies and other delinquent accounts your business may have with other creditors and vendors."


  12. #37
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    That's just not true. Anyone, except WestCoast, who wants to refinance an entire stack of MCAs and get paid on the entire stack, feel free to contact me.

    WestCoast, did you mom not hug you enough as a child? lol

    Stefan Bernarsky
    Kanjorski Partners LLC
    570-862-7279 call or text

  13. #38
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    West Coast,

    What part of direct and capital do you not understand? Please go do something else because you are the classic definition of contempt prior to investigation.

    Again, I challenge you to get on a phone call with either borrowers or brokers that we have done deals with. you have yet to accept that challenge.


  14. #39
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    West Coast,

    What part of direct and capital do you not understand? Please go do something else because you are the classic definition of contempt prior to investigation.

    Again, I challenge you to get on a phone call with either borrowers or brokers that we have done deals with. you have yet to accept that challenge.


    If you are using your "direct capital partners" you are a broker. If you the program you offer is a "consultancy program" you are a broker. Stop with the lies already. Go ahead and delete that page that you tried to hide, its forever archived. Your words:

    "Through our direct capital partners, Kanjorski Partners has developed a business financing consultancy program to help business owners restructure their business debt."

    You literally just recreated that page, and tried to hide it. Compare these two pages:

    They are duplicate pages that you simply changed some wording in an attempt to hide you are brokers. You just simply replaced one url on your menu for another.

    You got busted.
    Last edited by WestCoastFunding; 04-02-2020 at 07:34 PM.

  15. #40
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    Again, I challenge you to get on a phone call with either borrowers or brokers that we have done deals with. you have yet to accept that challenge.

    Stefan Bernarsky
    Kanjorski Partners LLC
    570-862-7279 call or text

  16. #41
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    Again, I challenge you to get on a phone call with either borrowers or brokers that we have done deals with. you have yet to accept that challenge.

    Stefan Bernarsky
    Kanjorski Partners LLC
    570-862-7279 call or text

    No interest. You're website contradicts what you are claiming. Are you suggesting we call people so they can tell us your very own website is a lie?

    SMH, **** out of here.

  17. #42
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    I am saying get on a conference call with me and ask some of our borrowers or referral partners to verify our direct lending so you can stop spewing your lies all over this forum. Thanks for copy editing a website for us. Point is, you have not accepted the challenge to speak to actual borrowers where we have refinanced their entire MCA stack with our own capital on a 24 to 36 month amortization. When are you free for a conference call so you can stop telling lies about someone or something that you don't even know?

    Again, I challenge you to get on a phone call with either borrowers or brokers that we have done deals with. You have yet to accept that challenge.

    Stefan Bernarsky
    Kanjorski Partners LLC
    570-862-7279 call or text

  18. #43
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    I am saying get on a conference call with me and ask some of our borrowers or referral partners to verify our direct lending so you can stop spewing your lies all over this forum. Thanks for copy editing a website for us. Point is, you have not accepted the challenge to speak to actual borrowers where we have refinanced their entire MCA stack with our own capital on a 24 to 36 month amortization. When are you free for a conference call so you can stop telling lies about someone or something that you don't even know?

    Again, I challenge you to get on a phone call with either borrowers or brokers that we have done deals with. You have yet to accept that challenge.

    Stefan Bernarsky
    Kanjorski Partners LLC
    570-862-7279 call or text

    Stop with the lies. I see you've now updated to the page to attempt to cover your ass, but thankfully I've got receipts showing you are a broker.

    Now give it a rest.

    bust 5.jpg
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by WestCoastFunding; 04-02-2020 at 08:54 PM.

  19. #44
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    Thanks for copy editing a website for us.
    Oh, so now you're claiming I edited something? Thankfully your page has been cached, so you've been caught in yet another lie. Anyone can freely view your cached page before you tried covering your ass:

    You just keep getting caught in lies. Its bad enough you misrepresented yourself on here, but then after being busted, you attempt to claim that someone doctored a picture of your site in an attempt to cover your ass. But, again, I've got receipts. Now you'll claim Google's webcache doctored your site?

    What a ****ing liar. No one should deal with this piece of ****.

  20. #45
    Senior Member Reputation points: 91418
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    We do MCA refinance (consolidations) into a 24 to 36-month term loan with ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT and offer new working capital at closing.

    We are direct lenders and use our own capital to lend.

    We are currently lending and haven't stopped.

    Massive opportunity with our product in the small business landscape right now and for months/years to come.

    Stefan Bernarsky
    Kanjorski Partners LLC
    570-862-7279 call or text
    So... Let's get this straight... Merchants who couldn't get any financing from the SBA or a traditional bank, then they didn't qualify for any factoring, and they couldn't get a LOC from Kabbage or Bluevine... They finally end up in MCA, maybe Ondeck et al. if they are lucky and then lots of other short term higher factor funders (because the risk is damn high considering noone else said yes!). At that point... thats when you come in and not only give them money, but you pay off the high risk guys too?!

    Um. If this isn't bull**** (it is, you made your profile today and 99.999999% of MCA funders stopped funding), WHY ARE YOU HERE! No need to buy anyone out. Call up every business, 100% of them will take your ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT loan.

    Oo wait. This is a bull****/fraud/scam.

    Also gross website. Put some effort into the scam at least.

  21. #46
    Senior Member Reputation points: 503040
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFC View Post
    So... Let's get this straight... Merchants who couldn't get any financing from the SBA or a traditional bank, then they didn't qualify for any factoring, and they couldn't get a LOC from Kabbage or Bluevine... They finally end up in MCA, maybe Ondeck et al. if they are lucky and then lots of other short term higher factor funders (because the risk is damn high considering noone else said yes!). At that point... thats when you come in and not only give them money, but you pay off the high risk guys too?!

    Um. If this isn't bull**** (it is, you made your profile today and 99.999999% of MCA funders stopped funding), WHY ARE YOU HERE! No need to buy anyone out. Call up every business, 100% of them will take your ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT loan.

    Oo wait. This is a bull****/fraud/scam.

    Also gross website. Put some effort into the scam at least.
    This is such a good point.

  22. #47
    Senior Member Reputation points: 19243
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    Quote Originally Posted by SFC View Post
    So... Let's get this straight... Merchants who couldn't get any financing from the SBA or a traditional bank, then they didn't qualify for any factoring, and they couldn't get a LOC from Kabbage or Bluevine... They finally end up in MCA, maybe Ondeck et al. if they are lucky and then lots of other short term higher factor funders (because the risk is damn high considering noone else said yes!). At that point... thats when you come in and not only give them money, but you pay off the high risk guys too?!

    Um. If this isn't bull**** (it is, you made your profile today and 99.999999% of MCA funders stopped funding), WHY ARE YOU HERE! No need to buy anyone out. Call up every business, 100% of them will take your ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT loan.

    Oo wait. This is a bull****/fraud/scam.

    Also gross website. Put some effort into the scam at least.
    If he put as much effort into his scam as you did into this post, maybe he'd get somewhere. Miss you bud, and WE ALL miss Superfast Capital. 11:07am - submit file. 11:08am - get a 'thank you email for the submission'. 11:24am - get an offer and forward link to merchant. 11:27am - merchant finishes 36 second contract. 11:30 - funded. Ahhh, those were the days.

  23. #48
    Member Reputation points: 2466
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    Yes that is for anyone that just comes thru the website organically. Actually we just changed our guidelines yesterday. Please send me an email so that I can send that to you I tried to upload but it was too large.
    Marissa Tabowitz
    General Manager
    Zero Fees Merchant Processing

  24. #49
    Banned Reputation points: 769
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    Broomall, PA

    We do MCA refinance (consolidations) into a 24 to 36-month term loan with ONE MONTHLY PAYMENT and offer new working capital at closing.

    We are direct lenders and use our own capital to lend.

    We are currently lending and haven't stopped.

    Massive opportunity with our product in the small business landscape right now and for months/years to come.

    Stefan Bernarsky
    Kanjorski Partners LLC
    570-862-7279 call or text

  25. #50
    Senior Member Reputation points: 19243
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    New York, NY

    Quote Originally Posted by KanjorskiPartners View Post
    I am saying get on a conference call with me and ask some of our borrowers or referral partners to verify our direct lending so you can stop spewing your lies all over this forum. Thanks for copy editing a website for us. Point is, you have not accepted the challenge to speak to actual borrowers where we have refinanced their entire MCA stack with our own capital on a 24 to 36 month amortization. When are you free for a conference call so you can stop telling lies about someone or something that you don't even know?

    Again, I challenge you to get on a phone call with either borrowers or brokers that we have done deals with. You have yet to accept that challenge.

    Stefan Bernarsky
    Kanjorski Partners LLC
    570-862-7279 call or text
    Oh my god! Stop! You've posted your shut up. Please. and thank you

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