Quote Originally Posted by Kevin Henry-Seacoast View Post
"The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It's about what you are made of not your circumstances." Author Unknown.... Over the years this has been one of my favorites and sure as hell has a lot of meaning today. That being said, he's my opinion on what happens next. It's not much different than the last economic downturn. History always repeats itself....

-Business owners are going to see significant revenue loss, margins will decline as they fight to keep customers, and net profits may go away.
-Lenders will tighten credit and some traditional lenders and non-bank lenders, factors, an funders will just disappear. The available capital pool will shrink significantly.

The advisors and brokers that will be successful and be able to obtain the smaller pool of capital will know what to do and where to go with certainty of closing a deal. There will be no time for guessing.....

I said this a few days ago: speed and fluidity is where one needs to be, to survive.

On that note:

I'll find you the clients, if you find the smaller pools of capital!