So I am still surveying this new landscape to best figure out how to win.

But I just read an article that may change something that I thought I had figured out in my early 20's when I 1st bought my house...

My plan was to flip my primary home several times over and end up in a million dollar house and pay no taxes doing it.. Due to the fact that after you live in a home for 2 years you can sell it and pay no capital gain taxes..

I was well on my way in pulling this off.. I flat out own my current home and was just waiting on the right time to sell it, take all the money and build a new home that would appraise for twice as much as the current value of my current house... Then do the same thing over and over again, and retire in my dream estate...

I bought my current house for 100k, it currently apprasies for 200k. If I sell it for 200k and build another house for 200k that would appraise for 400k in about 5 years, sell it, building another house, live in it, sell it, and so on. I would only be out of the initial $100k that I bought my house for years ago..

That would have been a major win in my book...

BUT due to the current situation, some people think that those rules are going to change.

I just read an article titled "The coronavirus crisis will change capitalism forever and taxes have to go up".


“Things like carried interest, capital gains taxes, the ability to roll over real estate sales tax free, all that stuff is going to have to be eliminated,” Leon Cooperman said.*