Quote Originally Posted by Winning View Post
I am a merchant in Texas, and was just hit with a shelter in place that starts on Monday (03/23/2020) night at 11:59PM.. 80% of my business is online.. But with the shelter in place I an not even able to go to my business to produce and ship the orders out. I'm currently in an advance with Paypal. Called them up, and they said they would immediately stop drafting payments! See my post here on the forum about this titled Covid-19 Shelter in Place: Paypal stopped my repayment drafts!

So worst case sceanario, I am never able to recover from this what happens in regard to the Paypal deal I am in?

Do I file bankruptcy and it all gets sorted out then?

I have no clue how the other side of the coin works. I have an 800 credit score and have all ways paid my debts. So with all my new found time I am trying to learn a lot about how all this works and what's the best exit strategy so that I am prepared as best I can be.
It really will go by what they decide than . I had merchants that were hurt with the hurricane in Florida a couple of years ago.some funders were really good with sticking to the specified percentage and if the merchant did not rebuild they did not go after him . Some were ok with stopping lowering payments but than will not renew later on or forgive loan. And some were just plain jerks and should be burnt down.
now most funders are going by mtd and a ton of merchants that won't submit it they are filing judgements.number 1 is always to be in touch and have open conversations.