Quote Originally Posted by JasonBishop View Post
Steve-O I don't think this domain has any value to it as it stands. There may be an opportunity there if there were a pre-existing site to it with some content. So the short term opportunity isn't really there because you still need to get traffic to it which would involve ppc advertising. This same strategy could be used with any newly purchased url and have the same impact in the short term. Domain Names alone do not carry the same weight as they used to like in the dotcom boom in the late 90's.
Jason - you are so incorrect - jump over to a Domain Broker - example www.sedo.com there are others, it owned by United Internet AG which I've been part of since 2013 or so.

The Value of Virtual Real Estate is in they eyes of the end user . There are methods of creating & generating traffic without playing the PPC Game. Most business owners are not equipped financial to swim in that pond.

The time is go back to old school methods that we used to generate traffic prior to Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.
Just takes time - patience - and work. Like a turtle crossing the road chasing water - not fast but successful.