Quote Originally Posted by skideeppow View Post
I just got an approval from Izzy for a restaurant doing take out in IN, for $55k. I have been dealing with the merchant for years and I know his english is marginal.
They called the merchant prior to sending out contracts. So i call the merchant and say, "the uw are going to call you. Please only answer with Yes or No, and try and paint a positive picture of the business." The ****ing merchant did the exact opposite. This guys (my merchant) is a complete fool.

I asked him, you wanted to get funded right? Could you not heed my advice, yes or no answers and be positive.

Needless to say, they killed the deal.

Just beside myself.
Ive had many deals die with Izzy, they infamous for killing at the funding gate. Some things you cant control, other things you can and an experienced funder would know how to streamline. For instance, asking for pb months knowing the biz is 1 yr TIB and killing it cuz of no sales, thats unforgivable and avoidable.

Now it turns out they have a security breach in their system along with another lender, its interesting both lenders using the same system have that breach...hmmmm