Quote Originally Posted by SmartAdvanced View Post
You moron tried coaching the merchant into lying, and the merchant was more honest than his own broker! and they killed due to a lack of sales due to him being a ****ing restuarant. And you are upset because your little stupid conniving con - wasn't successful - and now you come here to cry about it? wtf is wrong with your stupid ****ed up brain? are you on Covids??

sorry for my tough tone, i'm just pissed at the whole world. sorry sorry
First of all, go **** yourself.

The merchants english is sparse, that is the first issue. I never asked him to lie. They have his MTD act report for cc processing and banks. They see the drop in rev. He is set up for take out and in mid april his county is revisiting the dine in option. That is fact. ALl i asked him to do was to answer yes or no questions and not offer up any thing additionally.

During the call, he said he is closed and that he is not interested in expanding his take out business. He is doing $2k a day in take out business? He could have said, i am doing take out business of $2k that is where i am at. He is not closed, i have his cc batches as they clear on his portal.

He claims he did not understand the questions.