Quote Originally Posted by cmarks View Post
What math you do to get a 1.91 from a 4.9% apr?? 4.9%apr=1.049 factor... now do a 12 month MCA at 1.40 over 30 years and tell me total factor??
Look at the amount of interest paid over 30 years on a 4.9% APR mortgage.


Total interest for a $60,000 loan is $54,634.99. Total amount paid is $114,634.99. $114,634.99 / $60,0000 = 1.91
At 3.8% APR total repayment is $100,648.04 which means that's $100,648.04 / 60,000 = 1.67

BTW, a mortgage is also amortized, so when you come to refinancing, you're paying off the first, taking whatever PPP exists, and but you have to refinance the principle, which can take quite a long time.