It's amazing how in this economy - given that there is such a need for business funding, no one in the industry is taking guerilla marketing seriously.

Guerilla marketing is a true marketing methodology and principle set. Many people think Guerrilla Marketing is all about "gimmicks", "street marketing" or some sort of unexpectedly creative tactic. While this may be a result of a Guerrilla Marketing plan, GM is far more than that alone.

Guerrilla Marketing is unconventional strategies, secrets, and tactics for earning conventional goals -- big profits from your small business.

Guerrilla Marketing is all about using Time, Energy and Imagination to increase the amount of money one makes in business.

Beyond recognizing a "limited budget", come up with a number. Then make a plan from that number.

Make sure you understand your target audience and then go after them in a way that makes sense to them.

HOW YOU USE the tools you select for marketing is much MORE IMPORTANT than WHAT you use to market.

Example of a campaign my sister ran.

My big sister oozes marketing from her. I've learned a lot. She's a Real Estate agent. What she did was went to local businesses and sold them advertising space on pizza boxes - at cost.

In other words, the intent was to rally 12 businesses to pay for enough advertising to cover the cost of 100,000 pizza boxes to be used by local pizzerias over time. She had the design done to where her ad was prominently displayed in the middle of the box. Picture a Monopoly board. You have squares around the edges and space in the middle. That's kind of how it looked except there were fewer squares.

The net result is that my sister will reach 100,000 potential new clients FOR $0.

That's guerilla marketing! Now ask yourself a question; why in the world are you not on every single pizza box yourself for free? Don't business owners with families have pizza night at home? What exactly do you have to lose?

I am not one to let my sister one up me, so download this report with two additional strategies that may be even MORE effective.